- 若何一句话搞定开首段?
- 若何归纳总结庞杂的数据信息?
- 若何停止最值信息的表述?
- 若何停止具体数值的表述?
The table below gives information about consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
在审题时,要关注两部分:看笔墨部分时,搞清楚四类信息:what, who, where, when。这四类信息,出现几个,就标志好几个。
The table below gives information about consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.
以本题为例,what对应的是consumer spending on different items,没有出现who,where对应的是in five different countries,when对应的是in 2002。特别要留意时候。按照我对门生作文的批改来看,数据图最多见的毛病是数据工具表达毛病,其次即是时态毛病。而时态利用的根基法则就是“曩昔时候对应曩昔时态,现在时候对应现在时态,未来时候对应未来时态”,可以说,只要留意下题干中的时候,美满是可以避免这类毛病的。值得留意的是,虽然没有出现who,却暗含有who。究竟,what类信息可以关联到who类信息,在本题中,consumer spending已经暗含了consumer这个群体;一样地,where类信息也可以关联到who,比如五个国家中的Italy,写作时自然可以用Italians。
从items的角度来看,第一项food, drinks和tobacco的数值在每个国家都是最大,第三项leisure和education的数值则最小,这一点是必定要写进作文中的;从country的角度来看,Turkey在第一项和第三项的数值都是最大的,第二项clothing和footwear虽然不是最大,但也排在第二位。
开 头 段
The table illustrates the proportion of national expenditure in Ireland, Italy, Spain, Sweden and Turkey on three types of consumer items in 2002.
The table below gives information about consumer spending on different items in five different countries in 2002.可以看出,开首段的改写,考官Liz利用了以下技能:
同义替换:illustrate替换了题干中的give information about,spending替换为expenditure。这两个替换在数据图中利用频次挺高的,倡议列位同学服膺。
信息具体化:概括化信息five different countries酿成了具体化信息,即五个国家对应的英语称号。这一技能,在很多考官范文中都能见到,也很好把握。
结 论 段
Overall, the category of consumer goods that all countries spent most on was food, drinks and tobacco, which was three times higher than on the other types of goods. The lowest spending could be seen in the category of leisure and education in all five countries. The outlay of Turkey was generally higher than the other four countries.
说明:和考官Simon的数据图范文一样,Liz教员也是把结论放在第二段。这样处置的益处是,使得全文信息整体上显现出先总后分的逻辑顺序,而这类结构,可以说是一切学术类文章共有的特征。要出格指出的是,本数据图关注的是spending的数据信息,这一类数据图还是蛮常考的。是以,本段对spending数据的归纳,很有鉴戒意义。假如你下次考试碰到了这类spending类的考题,这个结论段就很有鉴戒意义。模板句式梳理以下:Overall, the category of...that...spent most on was..., which was...times higher than on the other types of....(倍数关系也可以不写). The lowest spending could be seen in the category of.... in.... The outlay of...was generally higher than....、别的,本段最值得进修的即是表达最值的方式,三个句子,三种表达:
- 01. 间接用副词most来表达最大值,用了自动语态。
- 02. 用的是第一流the lowest spending, 但用了被动语态。
- 03. 用的是比力级higher than the other four countries。即比力级+the other...来表达第一流。
中 间 段 1
In terms of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey spent the most at 32.14%. The expenditure of Ireland was also high (28.91%) compared to Sweden which spent the least (15.77%). Spain and Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36% respectively. On the other hand, the lowest expenditure was on leisure and education which accounted for under 5% in all countries. Turkey spent most on these items at just 4.35% of their national expenditure which is around double that of Spain (1.98%).
- 1 in terms of....在…方面,就…而言。该短语在各段都适用,首要用于引出数据对应的工具。
- 2 when it comes to……当触及某事(或做某事)时。从大量的范文来看,一般用于中心段2。固然,也可以适用非常简短的as to这个短语。
- In terms of food, drinks and tobacco, Turkey spent the most at 32.14%.
- The expenditure of Ireland was also high (28.91%) compared to Sweden which spent the least (15.77%).
- Spain and Italy spent 18.80% and 16.36% respectively.
- On the other hand, the lowest expenditure was on leisure and education which accounted for under 5% in all countries.
- Turkey spent most on these items at just 4.35% of their national expenditure which is around double that of Spain (1.98%).
- 介词at+数值
- 数值特征high/the least/double...+括号(数值)
- 谓语动词spent+数值
- 表“占比”的短语account for+数值。此处account for也可以改用take up,compri,occupy表达。
中 间 段 2
Clothing and footwear was the third category of consumer goods and outlays for those items were between 9% in Italy and 5.40% in Sweden. The national spending in this area for the remaining countries averaged around 6.5%.
本段主如果对剩下的一项,即clothing and footwear的数据情况停止了比力和描写。一般而言,倡议在中心段1和2之间利用逻辑跟尾词如when it comes to...或as to...过渡一下。固然,假如组成相反的对照,必定可以用by contrast等表达这类逻辑关系。不外,本段起头处没有益用任何逻辑跟尾词。这是完全可以的。由于逻辑跟尾,既可所之外显的逻辑跟尾词,也可以是内隐的纯洁靠语义关系停止跟尾。就句间跟尾而言,留意在第一次明白说了clothing and footwear后,以后用了those items和in this area停止指代。这类经过指代表达不异信息的手段,很简单很勤学,大师要多多留意。
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