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2023年1月14日雅思作文真题剖析及范文:出狱后再次犯罪的 ...









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2023年1月14日雅思作文真题剖析及范文:出狱后再次犯罪的 ...-1.jpg
1 【回首】
小作文:数据图—线形图英国钢铁的需求以及钢铁厂的雇佣数据高文文:报告类题型;犯罪类话题Some ex-prisoners commit crimes after being released from the prison. What do you think are the causes? How can it be solved?题干大意:一些刑满开释职员会再次犯罪。为何?咋办?

2 【剖析】
仍然是旧题重现。该题目在大陆考区2020年11月7日出现过类似的题目:People continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it. Why do you think this happens? How can crime be stopped?此次作文考题不过是对其中的一些用词略做了些调剂,换汤不换药。在思考缘由时,假如触及到某个特定群体(比如,本题触及到特定群体ex-prisoners),可从该群体具有的特征或其限制性动手,来寻觅相关缘由,即内因。再从其所生活或工作的情况动手,寻觅内部刺激身分,即外因。这样就不愁写什么的题目了。 至于处理办法,常常遵守“什么缘由对应什么计划”的原则,即有的放矢。纯真从构想(即搞定作文写什么的题目)来说,报告类考题实在比群情类要好写的多:两个缘由,再加上两个对应的计划,一切搞定。

3 【范文】
Crime rate has increased manifold these days. In spite of the punishment, many convicts tend to repeat crimes once they get released from jail. I think there are several reasons for this behaviour. In my opinion, it is the responsibility of the government and the society to solve this problem.
There are many reasons that encourage criminals to commit crimes again. The most important ones are social stigma, lack of emotional support and poor job opportunities. Criminal background drastically decreases job opportunities as no employer prefers to appoint an employee with criminal record. This leaves them with no career options and thus no financial support.  Many times, these criminals are not accepted by their own families and this makes them lonely and homeless. In addition to this, people don’t want ex-convicts to reside in their communities and treat them with suspicion. All these factors lead to hopelessness and directly or indirectly promote violence.
However, these problems can be avoided to a large extent by government’s interventionas well as changes in people’s outlook towards these culprits. Jail inmates should be taught about the best possible ways to handle life in the most difficult situations and this will prevent them from committing crimes again. The government should organise schemes that provide financial assistance and train them in useful jobs. Constant psychological counselling is necessary for the criminals and their families to rebuild personal relationships. The society should also change their mindset and attitude towards prisoners and provide them with the necessary emotional support to become responsible individuals.
To conclude, though there are quite a number of factors which encourage criminals to commit crimes again, I am of the opinion that the government and the society should take the responsibility to rehabilitate ex-criminals so as to prevent them from committing further crimes.

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