【用decrease 造句】
2. 失业总人数略有下降。
3. 放疗后,肿瘤数目明显削减。
4. 药物的有用性逐步下降。
- The average rainfall has decreased by around 30 percent.
- The total number of people who are unemployed has decreased slightly.
- After radiotherapy, the number of tumours decreased significantly.
- The effectiveness of the drug gradually decreases.
固然也可以用go down 来替换,就没那末正式了:
2. 由于这些改良,客户赞扬削减了 70% 以上。
- The percentage of fat in our diets has gone down.
- As a result of the improvements, complaints from customers went down by more than 70%.
也可以间接用down 暗示
比如 Inflation is down to 4%. 换个花样,可以用decline, 搭配生死水平下降啦,人为下降了之类的
2. 人为现实高低降了 4.5% 左右。
3. 通货收缩率在曩昔一年急剧下降。 (=快速且大量)
4. 这座城市的重要性已经下降。
- In rural areas, the standard of living continued to decline.
- Salaries have effectively declined by around 4.5%.
- The rate of inflation has declined sharply in the past year. (=quickly and by a large amount)
- The city has declined in importance.
<hr/>再换个词,fall / drop 暗示下降的水平比力大,间接了解为跌落
- 野生山君的数目已经下降到 10,000 多只。
- 早晨,温度降至零下 20 度。
- 利润从 9850 万英镑下降到 7600 万英镑。
- 5月,咖啡价格下跌跨越20%
- The number of tigers in the wild has fallen to just over 10,000.
- At night, the temperature drops to minus 20 degrees.
- Profits fell from £98.5 million to £76 million.
- In May, the price of coffee dropped by over 20%.
假如你想说急剧下降,剧烈下滑,就用 plunge / plummet
to suddenly decrease very quickly and by a very large amount
- Gas prices have plunged 31 percent in less than a week.
- Sales of red meat are plummeting.
- Climate change could cause global temperatures to plummet.
假如想说你的人为被拦腰砍了一半,用 halve
- He expects the number of farms to halve by 2020.
- In 1965, 49% of Canadians smoked. This figure has more than halved.
- The numbers of fish have diminished over the years.
- The population of the town diminished from 32,000 to 9,000 between 1871 and 1913.
- The pain gradually diminished.
- Although Campbell&#39;s influence had diminished, he continued to speak out against the war.
假如你想暗示的纤细一点,说渐渐地下滑,那便可以请dwindle 进场,暗示渐渐下降晓得没啥剩下的了,它经常搭配数字, 经常用来暗示影响力衰微,受接待水平下降。
鸟类的数目逐步削减,直到现在天下上只剩下大约 600 只。
运河沿线的交通在 20 世纪削减了。
- The birds&#39; numbers have slowly dwindled, until there are now only about 600 left in the world.
- Traffic along the canals dwindled during the 20th century.
- Support for the theory is dwindling.
比力常用的还有reduce, 暗示 to make something smaller in size, number or amount:
- The army was greatly reduced in size.
- The number of serious accidents has been reduced by a quarter.
- Doctors are urging people to reduce the amount of salt in their diet.
- Using new technology will help to reduce costs.
- Washing your hands helps to reduce the risk of infection.
- The ability to communicate cheaply over long distances has reduced the need for workers to commute to offices.
- It is a basic rule in economics that if you want people to buy more of your products, you lower the price.
- The voting age was lowered to 18.
- They decided to lower interest rates by a quarter of a percent.
- The drug is used to lower blood pressure.
- Some colleges have had to lower their standards.
- To cool, the motor forces air out of the box, so lowering the temperature.
Lower比力书面语,假如写贸易文书,大概科技报告会比力贴合,但假如你用bring down,就没那末正式了。
- They used cheaper materials in an effort to bring down costs.
- The wage freeze was part of a campaign to bring down inflation.
cut 暗示削减,一般会接 prices, costs, time, or money 一般暗示比力大量的情况
- Companies are constantly looking for ways to cut their costs.
- Shell is to cut the price of petrol by 18p a gallon from midnight tomorrow.
- The new service will cut the journey time from London to Manchester to just over 2 hours.
- The working week has been cut from 39 hours to 35.
减缓,减轻疼痛可以用 relieve / ease
- Doctors are allowed to give drugs to relieve pain, even if they shorten life.
- Accordingly, they hired more telephone representatives to relieve the pressure on
employees who handle customer complaints and inquiries.
- Making a joke can help to relieve the tension.
假如想用地更正式一些,可以把relieve 换成 alleviate,也暗示减缓
- Gentle regular exercise helps to alleviate the problem.
- Changes in diet can help to alleviate the symptoms of the disease.
【1】a decrease
- 肺癌灭亡人数显着削减。
- 8 月份失业率略有下降。
- 最新数据显现,自该项目起头以来,该地域的犯罪率整体下降了 27%
- There has a been a significant decrease in the number of deaths from lung cancer.
- In August there was a slight decrease in the rate of unemployment.
- Latest figures show an overall 27% decrease in crime in the area since the project began.
2. 交通流量明显削减。
3. 在曩昔几年中,因酒后驾车而被捕的人数急剧削减(=惊人的多)。
- A small reduction in costs can mean a large increase in profits.
- There has been a significant reduction in traffic.
- Over the last few years there has been a dramatic reduction in (=surprisingly large) the number of people arrested for drink-driving.
<hr/>【3】cut 换成名词间接用
- price cuts
- tax cuts
- pay cuts
- 该公司正计划进一步裁员。
- 政府的国防开支已经大幅削减。
- 加利福尼亚州出台了新法令,要求大幅削减(=很是大的削减)汽车酿成的空气净化。
- 该银行公布将利率下降 1%。
- The company is planning further job cuts.
- There have been major cuts in government spending on defence.
- The state of California introduced new laws requiring drastic cuts in (=very big cuts) air pollution from automobiles.
- The bank announced a 1 per cent cut in interest rates.
【4】drop / fall 换成名词间接用
- 该公司报告利润下降了 35%。
- 研讨职员发现,树木的数目从 506 棵削减到 261 棵,削减了 48%。
- 西班牙的诞生率急剧下降。 (=忽然很是大的跌落)
- The company reported a 35% drop in profits.
- Researchers found that the number of trees had gone down from 506 to 261, a drop of
48 percent.
3. Spain has suffered a sharp fall in its birth rate. (=a sudden very large fall)
【5】decline 换成名词间接用
- 无家可归者的人数逐步削减。
- 电视经常被指责为我们社会道德标准下降的罪魁罪魁。
- 暴力水平略有下降。
- 四年前,岛上有 580 人,但现在只要 337 人,削减了 42%
- There has been a gradual decline in the number of homeless people.
- Television is often blamed for the decline in moral standards in our society.
- There has been a slight decline in the level of violence.
- Four years ago, there were 580 people living on the island, but there are now only 337. That is a decline of 42 percent.
固然,下降到一定份上,也有持平的时辰,可以试试 level off / out
- 生齿从 80 万的峰值下降到 1999 年的 65 万。
2. 最新数据表白,通胀率在跨越 3% 的一年后将稳定在 2.4%
- The population dropped from a peak of 800,000, levelling off in 1999 at 650,000.
- Latest figures suggest inflation will level out at 2.4% after a year at over 3%.
bottom out 到了最低点了,不再下降了
- 汽车销量的下滑终究在 9 月份出现触底迹象。
- 今朝还没有证据表白经济衰退已经触底。
- The decline in car sales finally showed signs of bottoming out in September.
- There is no evidence that the recession has bottomed out yet.
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